These Resolutions Will Help Your Kids

These Resolutions Will Help Your Kids

( – As we enter 2022, many people will be weighing up New Year’s resolutions. A lot of adults use this time of year as an opportunity to cut back on alcohol, cigarettes or other unhealthy vices — but resolutions aren’t just a good idea for grown-ups. Children can also benefit from taking on a challenge for the coming 12 months.

The nature of the resolution will depend on the age of the child in question. For younger kids, starting with something small might be enough, such as keeping their play area tidy, behaving politely or sharing their toys with their siblings and friends. If there’s an important life skill your toddler or young child has yet to pick up, this could be the perfect opportunity to introduce it.

Don’t be shy of a slightly bigger challenge requiring real responsibility for older children. For example, you could ask them to commit to walking the dog every day, doing weekly chores around the house or in the garden or playing a small role in the family business, depending on your circumstances.

Getting teenagers to partake in this activity might be more challenging, but they stand to learn plenty from it too. If there’s a goal they want to achieve, such as attaining a certain grade point average in school, consider using a New Year’s resolution as a motivational tool.

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